will be held at
Hilton Hawaiian Village,
Waikiki Beach, Oahu
February 27 – March 1, 2026
The purpose of PRAASA is to:
- Develop greater unity among the members, groups, and areas of the Pacific Region.
- Encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences.
- Provide an opportunity for members to discuss pertinent aspects of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- The Assembly and the PRAASA Committee should always foster the Recovery, Unity and Service legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous.
El propósito de PRAASA es:
- Desarrollar una mayor unidad entre los miembros, grupos y áreas de la Región del Pacífico.
- Fomentar el intercambio de ideas y experiencias.
- Proporcionar una portunidad para que los miembros discutan aspectos pertinentes de Alcohólicos Anónimos.
- La Asamblea y el Comité de PRAASA deben siempre fomentar los legados de recuperación, Unidad y Servicio de Alcohólicos Anónimos.
Who is PRAASA for?
The Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly is a mix of panel presentations, roundtable discussions, open mic sharing, and speakers. Many attendees also come for the great fellowship and bonding that takes place with others from the same service Area and with new friends made from other Areas. Topics for the presentations and sharing are focused on general service. PRAASA is held prior to the General Service Conference and includes topics that will be discussed at the upcoming conference along with issues that are of interest to members involved in general service. Roundtables provide an opportunity for members to discuss topics with people who have the same service position, like the Corrections or DCM and GSR roundtables, or who are interested in a particular topic such as Newsletter, Grapevine or Information Technology.